Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blogger Template Designer

Blogger added a new function, Template Designer that we can easy customize template of blog.
I immediately tried it and I changed template on my blog. It was user friendly interface.

In past times, I tried to change template, I didn't. But this time, it is easy to do for Template Designer.

Thanks Blogger team!! Thanks Google!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


source by UNIQLO

I got +J item again, this time new spring outfit. I became completely fun.
In fact, I thought UNIQLO is uncool. In fact, it's not cool. But now they've gradually changed from few years .

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I finally saw Avatar 3D. It's amazing!  It's a powerful production for 3D technology. Of cause, story is good.
Next time I want to go other 3D movie.

Advances in technology give our a thrill.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mobile wallet

In Japan, e-money have become popular in the past several years. I use e-money of IC smart card too. So my wallet have several cards.

In this time, I change mobile wallet that mobile phone integrated with contact-less ic smart card. This technology use Sonny's FeliCa smart card chip. Several cards put applications in mobile phone.

My mobile phone include Edy(e-money), Suica(rail), JAL(air) and some reward cards. I'm trying fully cashless life.

Sorce by NTT docomo

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I made a loan to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
I hope to help them succeed.

This is my 21th loans.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Recently, my classmate went to Singapore. Speaking of Singapore, now is a casino. The Las Vegas Sands will open Marina Bay Sands Resort on April 27.

The resort complex have the Sands SkyPark. It's a unique design.

But now, I think how about a casino business? I search Macao's data, maybe main target of Singapore's casino is Chinese.

The result made me surprised. Gross Gaming revenue is rising at CAGR of 26.4% even during a global recession. China afford their life.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Childhood friend

Recently, I took a dish with childhood friend. He has three children. He a little complained, but I seemed very happy.

We spend same life in childhood, we increasingly changed our life. It's very interesting.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


There are 4 major beer company, KIRIN, ASAHI, SAPPORO, SUNTORY  in Japan. One of them, KIRIN beer's operated restaurant I went.

See above picture!! It's a big head, about 2cm from the rim of the glass.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I made a loan to Elisa Battung's Group at Philippine.
I hope to help them successed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The world "pork bun" champion

I eat pork buns of the world champion. It's taste wonderful. There is a restaurant in Chinatown district of Yokohama. Its name is Cho-ko(皇朝).

I highly recommended this pork bun!!