Friday, November 4, 2011

praying mantis

I found a praying mantis a few days ago. I remembered that when I was child, I often see and catch praying mantis.

They appear in Autumn in Japan. So now it's their active season. I closely saw it after so long. It has a scary look on its face and it seems ready for battle.

By the way, I use to write my blogs lots of time. I think it's good chance to notice the change of seasons and minor affairs.  If I am not writing my blog, I wouldn't care about these things.


Phat Pinay said...

Exactly! I think I know what you mean. When you blog, you notice even trivial or simple stuff. Especially if you have a camera.

I even take pictures of small mice in the house. hahaha! :)

Zawa said...

Hello Phat Pinay,
I think most mobile phone have a camera function. So we can take a picture anytime!
