Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sun by Taro Okamoto

The work, made by Taro Okamoto, is located on the roof terrace of the SOGO department in Yokohama.
It's fun to have three faces and each face have different facial expression.

Taro Okamoto is very famous for Tower of the Sun, it became the symbol of Expo '70 in Osaka. It still stands. I want to go there some day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


source :

I made two loans on the Kiva. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

information on the web

After the 9.0 earthquake in Japan, SNS such as Twitter was made use a lot for disaster victim. For instance, confirmation of the safety and supply shortage at each area of evacuation, etc.
It is also through the web that I was able to contact my friend and confirm his safety.

On the other hand, some informations on the web were wrong and made people confuse.

As they say, we should check a source and date on the web. And I think we should judge information whether it is facts or opinion.
Under difficult situations we should try to be calm to make sound judgments.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I went to watch a movie last month. The title is "Hereafter" directed by Clint Eastwood.  This movie has been pulled from theaters in Japan because of a tsunami scene. Although, Clint Eastwood is to donate some of the DVD profits to aid charity efforts in Japan.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fukushima nuclear power plant

Yesterday, the Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency raised the severity level of the crisis-hit reactors to 5 from 4 on an international scale.

Under difficult circumstances, recovery works are continuing to restore cooling functions. As a temporary measure, the reactors had been sprayed with water by copters and water cannon trucks.

Today, it seems that a electricity through outside power reconnected the No.2 reactor. However it will still take time to work functions of cooling the reactors and spent fuel pools. Because of to need to check some equipments.

The workers in the power plants are possibility of exposure to radiation. Given their working, we need to cooperate and have to do somethings for every individual.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

9.0 Magnitude Earthquake in Japan

As you know, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck Japan on March 11.

Watching the damage on TV is heartbreaking. Fortunately the area I'm living in hasn't been damaged, although we felt a 6.0 magnitude aftershock a couple of minute ago. I hope nothing more happens.

Luckily, I was able to keep in touch with one of my friends who lives in Sendai city. It's one of the few good news today.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rose Intensity by Delphine Coindet

This work is at the elevator hole. The red shape in the ceiling is an expression of high pitch tone.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gonso by Heri Dono

This work was made by Heri Dono who is an Indonesian and it was inspired by a gong used in Wayang Kurit, shadow show in Java and Bali Indonesia.

I've never been to Indonesia. I want to go there and see a Wayan Kurit.