Monday, October 3, 2011

Photo Reading

Do you know photo reading? It's one of the way of speed reading.
I read a book about photo reading because even though I am slow at reading, I enjoy looking for a lot of books.

The book said that there are 5 steps on how to do photo reading.
  1. Prepare: Think main purpose for reading and stay focus on yourself.
  2. Preview: Browse a book and check the value of contents for you. Then decide if you will read or not.
  3. Photo Read: Do affirmation and read with photo focus.
  4. Post review: Explore key terms in a book and create questions.
  5. Activate: Take enough rest hours. Read the book with dip read and skitter over the book. Lastly, make a mind map.

I tried to read above 5 steps and I made the mind map above. It took me 2 hours to do it. It is too long for a photo reading. I'll try to read another book with photo reading again.

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